Our Institutional Partners

BT Boces School System
DCMO Boces School System
SUNY Delhi Summer Camp
SUNY Delhi
Hartwick College

Over the 2022-2023 school year, the CAA plans to distribute over 30,000 pounds of local product to K-12 schools across the region. Through our partnerships with the 27 DCMO BOCE and BT BOCES school districts, local food from 607 farms will be available to 42,000 students. We are continuing to grow our CSA presence at institutions across the area and will also be partnering with the school of Business & Hospitality Management at the State University of New York at Delhi on some light processing and a kid's summer camp program.

Additionally, the Rural Health Network of SCNY and the Food and Health Network have developed a Produce Prescription program for people living with diet-related chronic health disease living at and under the poverty level. They collaborate with UHS Walton in Delaware County. The program has been around for 5 years and continues to grow and improve.

The Produce Prescription Program is collaborating with the 607 CSA to provide fortnightly veggie shares to its Delaware County clients. Additionally, the Program is coordinating home delivery for clients without access to transportation, which remains a barrier to access for many residents.